
Bus Stops

धोकादायक प्रवास :

परंतु मागील काही दिवस पीएमपीएल व्यवस्थेचा जो बोजवारा उडाला आहे त्यावरून खरच हि सेवा सक्षम आहे का याचा प्रश्न पडतो. मागील काही दिवस ठेकेदार आणि प्रशासन यांच्यात भाडे थकबाकी वरून बसेस रस्त्यावर येत नाही त्यामुळे लोकांना त्रास सहन करावा लागत आहे. स्कूलबस वेळेवर नसल्याने विद्याथ्यांचे हाल होत आहेत यावर कहर म्हणजे अनेक नादुरुस्त बसेस रस्त्यावर धावत

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नवीन बसथांब्यावर महापौरांचा आक्षेप

पुणे महानगर परिवहन महामंडळ (पीएमपी) अध्यक्षांच्या सूचनेनुसार जुने बसथांबे काढून नवीन स्वरूपाचे थांबे उभारण्यात येत आहेत. मात्र, मुंबई महापालिकेच्या धर्तीवर उभारण्यात येणारे बसथांबे नागरिकांच्या सोयीचे नाहीत, असा आक्षेप महापौर यांनी घेतला आहे. महापालिकेअंतर्गत पीएमपीच्या बसथांब्याची दुरवस्था झाली होती. त्यामुळे पीएमपीचे प्रभारी अध्यक्ष व सरव्यवस्थापक यांनी मुंबईच्या धर्तीवर कमी खर्चातील बसथांबे उभारण्याविषयीचे पत्र नगरसेवकांना दिले होते.

नवीन बसथांब्यावर महापौरांचा आक्षेप Read More »

PMC sets aside land in 5 octroi posts to park buses

Elected members in the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) approved a proposal to provide land in five octroi posts to the Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited (PMPML) for parking and carrying out maintenance work. “Civic land where octroi posts were operating have been vacant since the state decided to impose Local Body Tax. We decided to

PMC sets aside land in 5 octroi posts to park buses Read More »

Bus karo: Traffic police tell errant PMPML drivers

It seems that motorists, who are well aware of the reckless and indiscipline manner in which Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal (PMPML) buses are driven, are not the only ones complaining about the drivers of the city’s bus authority. Pune traffic police, annoyed with PMPML drivers, are now claiming that PMPML buses are causing traffic snarls.

Bus karo: Traffic police tell errant PMPML drivers Read More »

Bumper Monday for PMPML, best ever single-day earning

The PMPML has also been maintaining over 1,500 buses on roads, which has helped it make more revenue. “We have observed heavy rush during workdays, especially Mondays and Thursdays. We decided to target these days by having as many buses on roads as possible. On these days, we have also deployed additional staff at bus

Bumper Monday for PMPML, best ever single-day earning Read More »


The commuters’ grouse has substance because the PMPML had promised to run buses every 10 minutes, but it is actually operating buses every 20 minutes. There was confusion at Vishrantwadi as commuters had to change buses for going to Alandi, Lohegaon, Dhanori and other places in the outskirts of the city. Ashish Dodke, who was

SANGAMWADI -VISHRANTWADI CORRIDOR – Too many obstacles on BRTS route Read More »

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