
Author name: aptamhane@gmail.com

PMC inspects digging sanctions, halts work

Mayor passes directive, instructing all mobile companies to stop their work of laying cables to scrutinise whether their permissions have been cleared Corporators have shown their displeasure with the way private mobile companies are carrying on with their work of laying cables and digging footpaths and roads late in the night without informing Pune Municipal

PMC inspects digging sanctions, halts work Read More »

Tyre-d of uncleanliness at Swargate depot, PMPML staffers threaten protest

While the lack of cleanliness across Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Maha mandal Limited (PMPML) depots was recently highlighted in a shock ing way -after a staffer was found dead in a Swargate depot toilet, undiscovered for three days because the loos are not cleaned regularly -the transport utility still doesn’t seem to be taking the concept

Tyre-d of uncleanliness at Swargate depot, PMPML staffers threaten protest Read More »

ARMED WITH BREATHALYSERS… – PMPML keeps a close eye on drink driving

On the last day of the year, while people are busy celebrating New Year’s Eve, Pune police geared up to run a checking drive in association with the Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal (PMPML) in order to ensure that the drivers are not drunk while driving. In a first-of-its-kind initiative by the PMPML, which bought a

ARMED WITH BREATHALYSERS… – PMPML keeps a close eye on drink driving Read More »

Only 33% of Muslims work, lowest among all religions

The figure for Jains and Sikhs stands at 36% each. Buddhists, comprising mostly Dalits who embraced Buddhism in the 20th century , have a high working population share at 43%. For Hindus, the figure is 41%. Drawn from the Census 2011 data, the statistics show a faith-based profile of India’s 482 million strong workforce.The figures

Only 33% of Muslims work, lowest among all religions Read More »

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