
Traffic synchronization project

Most of us have experienced that when we start from one traffic signal and reach the next, it turns red as we reach it. And then we have to wait for atleast a minute at every traffic signal. Thus to get continuous green signals on a single stretch and to deal with heavy traffic during peak hours, NGO Janwani and Cummins India Ltd have joined hands and launched traffic synchronisation project.
In first stage, they are working on the stretch from Deccan chowk to Nal stop chowk with six signals. Suggestions to change timings of all six signals will be given to traffic police. This can lead to saving fuel as well as reduction in pollution
250 volunteers participated in the project. They video-recorded the six signals on all seven days for three weeks and at different timings.

It has been noticed, that a two-wheeler takes approximately 200 seconds to reach from one signal to another.If the project is successful, it will help to maintain the speed of vehicles. Rash driving will be controlled and pollution will decrease. full_r.jpg

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