
Spreading awareness about helmets to save lives

Nearly 150 bikers have been caught by the Pune city traffic department over the past nine months for not wearing helmets. The figure has been showing only an upward trend if the past few years’ data is taken into consideration. Any action has not been able to reign in the number of deaths of bikers riding without helmets. This year, the number stands at 129 deaths, which means one biker has died every two days.

Forced to rethink its strategy in curbing such accidents, the Pune Regional Transport Office (RTO), along with the Pune Cantonment, has thought that only awareness would convince bikers of the significance of wearing helmets while on roads.

Hence, under the Street Sense Programme, the Pune Bikers Group (PBG), along with RTO and the Pune Cantonment will be starting helmet awareness drive for two-wheeler riders, as they believe that spreading awareness will help to reduce the number of deaths in road accidents.

Deputy regional transport officer said that they will be starting a special awareness programme under the Street Sense Programme, where they will be spreading message about the importance of wearing helmets. Most of the people feel that wearing helmet is an added burden which actually is a life saver. They will be starting the special drive in the Pune Cantonment area from October 18. There will be more than 100 volunteers from the Pune Bikers Group who will help them in creating awareness amongst citizens. Moreover they will be giving token of appreciation to those who are abiding the rule.

On the other hand, the Pune city traffic police department is trying their best to spread awareness about wearing helmet, but people’s indifference is costing them their life. The traffic police department claims that they are doing their best to spread awareness, they have also distributed helmets and held various awareness camps in housing societies and schools. Still only 20% of the motorbike riders use helmets.

Deputy commissioner of police (traffic) said, wearing helmet is compulsory. They have been taking action against riders who don’t use helmets. They have inadequate manpower therefore, they are unable to intensify the drive as their main priority is to ensure that the traffic flow is smooth in the city.

They further added, Spreading awareness is the key so that maximum number of people can start wearing helmets. They have held several awareness programmes at various locations in the city so people realize that using helmets will only save their lives.


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