
Protect grasslands

While much talk on ‘Biodiversity and saving the hills around the city’ has been triggered in the recent past, ‘Grassland ecosystem’ should also be protected, which is largely affected due to urbanization in Pune. Due to urbanization, greenery has been added to the city in the form of lawns and gardens. It adds to beautification, but it’s not natural. Due to man-made activities, we are losing our original grasslands, which ultimately affect the entire ecosystem. The grass-diversity and habitats are changing drastically. Species diversity has not altered much but natural areas under grasses have reduced considerably. Two grass species namely Alloteropsis cimicina and Chloris pycnothrix are not reported in the earlier literature in urban Pune, which are now reported for the first time. As far as diversity is concerned aquatic habitats are disturbed most than the others. Due to protection given to some hills, important communities continue to flourish.
Not much study and documentation is available regarding changes in the vegetation over the period of last decade in the city.
Recently, growth of invasive exotic species like Cosmos has altered the diversity of the grasslands in Katraj Ghat. Narhe hill is undisturbed grassland, as large part of it has been purchased by private owners and has been fenced; resulting in total protection of grassland patches.Undergrowth of plantation by social forestry department or other private partners (Gliricidia and Leucaena species) has been affected due to monoculture.


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