The road journey between the two cities, that usually takes around six hours, was completed in nearly half the time through the coordinated efforts of doctors, traffic police, district administra tion and ancillary staff. The organ reached Pune around 7.30pm on Monday , after which the transplant procedure was initiated. The surgery takes four to six hours and was still underway till the time of going to press.
“This is the 13th liver transplant at our hospital in the last three months,“ said Soham Bhatawadekar, se nior manager (operations), Sahyadri hospital, Deccan branch.
On the night of June 26, the donor had suffered an intracranial haemorrhage (bleeding inside the skull) and was admitted to Sahyadri hospital in Nashik.
He didn’t respond to the treatment and was declared brain dead the next day . His relatives were counselled for organ donation to which they readily gave their consent.
“However, since the Sahyadri hospital in Nashik is not a designated centre for organ retrieval, the donor was shifted to Rishikesh hospital. As per the norms of Zonal Transplant Coordination Committee (ZTCC), the do nated liver was allocated to Sahyadri hospital, Deccan branch, in Pune soon after,“ Bhatawadekar said.
Doctors from Pune rushed to Nashik around 11am on Monday for organ retrieval. Around 4pm, the doctor’s team with the harvested liver began their journey via green corridor arranged by the traffic police of Pune and Nashik.
The recipient has been suffering from non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (fatty liver) related chronic liver cirrhosis and required a liver transplant, said transplant anaesthetist Manish Pathak.
Liver transplant surgeons Bipin Vibhute and Prashant Rao were involved in the surgery.
Besides the liver, the skin, eyes and kidneys of the donor were also harvested.While the kidneys will benefit two patients in Nashik, other organs have donated to skin and eye banks.
Source : TOI