
Green Cover Depletion

Green Patches of Pune to Support life

Open spaces in urban areas like Pune are necessary for several species of small animals to survive. They act like small transit points for moving from one location to another, encouraging cross-breeding and expansion of the gene pool. The city has a number of major green patches, like the Pune University campus, Vetal and Chatuhshrungi

Green Patches of Pune to Support life Read More »

30 willow tree saplings to be planted along the banks of Mutha River

Almost five decades after the flora and fauna of Mutha river were washed away by the 1961 Panshet flood, 30 saplings of the Indian willow trees produced from the stumps of willow trees by amateur botanist Shrikant Ingalhalikar and nature lover Abhijit Gandhi will be planted along the banks on September 2. This event can

30 willow tree saplings to be planted along the banks of Mutha River Read More »

Tree lover industrialist- Ramanlal Khinvasara

Nowadays, ever increasing industrialization leading to environmental pollution is becoming serious threat.  Exhausted gas and water from industries posing threat to public health is a common sight. Industrialists have to contribute to address such environmental issues.  Here we look at the passion of an industrialist to plant and grow as many trees as possible. Mr.

Tree lover industrialist- Ramanlal Khinvasara Read More »

Ecological changes due to green cover loss

Changes in seasonal pattern, increasing temperatures during winters, untimely rainfall and disappearance of certain bird species are some of the disturbances that weather experts and ecologists are witnessing in Pune. While the loss of green cover cannot be solely blamed for causing the changes, experts state that it has a significant impact on micro climate.

Ecological changes due to green cover loss Read More »

Tree lover industrialist- Ramanlal Khinvasara

Nowadays, ever increasing industrialization leading to environmental pollution is becoming serious threat.  Exhausted gas and water from industries posing threat to public health is a common sight. Industrialists have to contribute to address such environmental issues.  Here we look at the passion of an industrialist to plant and grow as many trees as possible. Mr.

Tree lover industrialist- Ramanlal Khinvasara Read More »

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