
Save Vetal Tekdi..!!

The draft Development Plan for Pune 2007-2027 had the following proposals in store for the Tekdi –

Three roads – two on the Law College hill, from Paud Phata to Senapati Bapat Rd and one from Panchavati/NCL up to the top near the Quarry An amusement park at the top, somewhere in or near the Quarry Two tunnels connecting Gokhalenagar to Kothrud and to Panchavati.

All these have been planned quite arbitrarily without any Environmental Impact Assessments, Detailed Project Reports or Traffic studies. If implemented, it will mean the end of the tekdi as we know it. Developers and contractors have been hovering over this prime piece of land like vultures for years and this DP has given them a golden opportunity to sweep in. It is up to those of us who cherish the peace and serenity of the tekdi to protect it from this rapacious ‘development’ which will inevitably bring with it vehicular traffic,
noise, pollution, littering, encroachment by hawkers and safety issues.

Citizens of Pune have the right to file suggestions or objections to the DP. The last date for submission of the letters is 26th April 2013.
What you can do?
1.      Download and print the letter http://bit.ly/tekdi_objectionletter
2.      Collect as many signatures as you can on it (names and detailed addresses must be written clearly)
3.      Submit the signed letter(s) to Room 110, 1st Floor, PMC building before 26th April

If you are not currently in Pune, what you can do is-
Please copy the text of the letter to the email addresses mentioned below. Emails may not count for the whole campaign but these emails ARE read.

Every signature makes a difference!
Please spread the word.

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