
Earth hour- A simple act with a huge message

Global warming and climate change are the biggest threats to our planet earth. The global warming observed in recent years is mainly due to emission of heat trapping gases from burning of fossil fuels. As action speaks louder than word, WWF (World Wide Fund) has taken an initiative to launch a campaign named ‘Earth hour’ since 2007. It was started in Sydney and was greeted with a decent reception. Over 2 million people took part in the event and it quickly spread to other parts of the world as well.
Earth hour is the largest movement for the planet in human history. The movement held towards the end of March annually, encouraging people to turn off their non- essential lights for one hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change. Although merely switching off unnecessary lights for one hour will not provide solution to Environmental calamities, but certainly the strong positive message will be conveyed through participation of millions of people.
Today countless cities across the globe have taken part in the movement and it continues to evolve and garner more attention as time goes on. India joined the movement in 2009.
Environment is the global issue and everyone should be concerned about the future of the planet and how it will affect our future generations.

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