We often came across large flocks of pigeon. These flocks of pigeons flying overhead may look like a chaotic cloud of birds, but it’s more like an airborne hierarchy.
Pigeons were originally Old World cliff-face dwellers. But pigeons are now becoming pest bird in city. From a pigeon’s point of view, city living can’t be beat. Food and water are readily available. In our cities, they find plenty of artificial cliffs and ledges that make great nest sites. Predators are rare. In addition to that, window ledges, rooftops, bridges, and warehouses offer space for whole flocks to rest and shelter. Pigeons aren’t too fussy about what they eat. They sample all of the many foods offered by people in city, even though they prefer seeds and grains. The birds are habituated to life around humans; noise and activity do little to dislodge them. In Pune we won’t find any place without pigeons.
Pigeons are often more of a problem than other birds because they don’t migrate and produce several broods a year. Once they start nesting, they may remain a nuisance for weeks or months at a time. First of all, pigeons are very noisy especially in the early hours. Secondli they are not the cleanest neighbor to have unless you like having a house that looks like someone is throwing raw eggs at it on a regular basis. Just look out of your window. Pigeons are silent-winged terrorists, messengers of doom. And they are stealthily taking over the city. Pigeons have been falsely associated with the spread of human diseases. Contact with pigeon droppings poses a minor risk of contracting histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and psittacosis, and exposure to both droppings and feathers can produce Bird fancier’s lung. Pigeons are not a major concern in the spread of West Nile virus; though they can contract it, they do not appear to be able to transmit it.
Besides all these problems, People in city used to feed hundreds of pigeons saying that they are doing it for good ‘Karma’. Some people think that feeding pigeons are a sign of peace and their wealthiness.
There are some solutions to get rid these urban pests:
· Wood or metal sheathing installed at a 45- to 60- degree angle as a cover over frequently used ledges will keep pigeons from landing.
· Bird wires will keep pigeons off ledges, railings, awnings, and rooftops. Where the pigeon problem is serious, strips that give mild electric shocks work better than wires.
· Choose netting to keep pigeons out of large areas.
· Changes human behavior, especially pigeon feeding and garbage management.
· Excludes pigeons from buildings and other places where they are not wanted.
· Limits hatching of additional pigeons with dovecotes or contraception.
To control pigeon numbers it is key to limit availability of food. Food attracts pigeons, and well-fed pigeons stick around—and reproduce.