Pune and Bhamburda forest department is now planning to replace exotic plants on Talajai hill by native flora. They are planning to plant native trees like Azadirachta indica (Neem),ficus religiosa (Peepal), Banyan tree (vad), Syzygium cumini(Jaamun) , Mangifera indica (Mango), Tamarindus indica (Imali) on hill. Previously they have planted all exotic Species like Gliricidia (undirmar), Australian acacia (subabhul) which are unable to attract birds and other native fauna. But these exotic trees has inhibited growth of native flora. Monoculture of these exotic trees has resulted into loss of diversity in this particular area. Some exoctic species were planted to improve the quality of soil on hills. Forest department is planning to plant native trees on 1 acre per year.