Pune was once known for its clean air and perfect weather. It is still known for the same but with 7000 new vehicles on the road each month since the year 2002 the effect seems to have reduced. Due to the constant increase in the immigrant population the air pollution has reached to such an extent that this metropolis is choking in its own vehicular exhaust. Though Pune leapfrogged into modernization only in the past 100 odd years, the educational institutions attracting qualified youth and booming industrial growth has let the rate of increase in this city’s population still remain high. And now Pune’s population is a whooping 41 lakh, which is only the registered figure. The unregistered migrants and births are countless and growing. With a large landscape and bad public transport, it is obvious that the number of vehicles increases in leaps and bounds. The number of cars in Pune has increased fourfold in the past 10 years. For every article we purchase and the electricity consumed, fuel and water we use, there is a corresponding amount of energy used, at the cost of the environment. The air eminence of Pune’s surroundings is deteriorating rapidly. Everyday hundreds of tons of polluted air are released into this city atmosphere. Vehicular pollution contribution to Pune’s air pollution is a stunningly high 40%. The average pollution levels in the city air are rising to alarming concentrations at many places during the course of the day.